
Operation new earth wiki
Operation new earth wiki

In that case, The lamps of Europe and the World, will bring out light to a New Era. Please make sure the articles are relevant though Navigation. The main purpose is to imagine and build a World that would follow another path. Welcome to Military Wiki, the Worlds largest, free, interactive online Military encyclopedia that anybody can edit To write a new article on the Military Wiki, enter the page title in the box below. The Point of Divergence (POD): What could have happened if the Archduke wasn't assassinated? This alternative history explores and develops that idea and the possible events that follow the ( butterfly effect, hinge moments and alternate trends). 1914 is considered by many historians and laymen as the end of an era: the general optimism in 1910s in the advancement of society was replaced by sense of pessimism and decadence in the 1920s. Too many causes or long term conflicts led to this: the tensions of the naval arms race between the United Kingdom and Germany, unsolved territorial disputes, an intricate system of alliances, internal political tensions, nationalisms across Europe, economical and military rivalry in industry and trade, imperial and colonial rivalry for wealth, power and prestige and colonial expansion disputes. It could probably have started in the powder keg of Europe (the Balkans) or any other place. In hindsight for many contemporary observers and historians, World War I was an inevitable event that would happen anytime. A month later the First World War started. La sphère armillaire (League of Nations)On the 28th of June, 1914, in Sarajevo (Austria-Hungary), Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir presumptive to the Imperial throne, was assassinated. Twilight of a New Era The lamps are going out all over Europe, we shall not see them lit again in our lifetime.

Operation new earth wiki